The Journal:

Prensa Médica Argentina is a journal that publishes scientific articles of medical interest, published monthly from March to December and also has special issues that are published during the year, which has been published continuously since 1914.

It is edited by Ediciones Médicas del Sur S.R.L, both in its printed form and in its equivalent digital form.

The magazine is partially or fully indexed in the following services:

British Library, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Scopus databases, Lilacs.


The award:

The Maestro de la Medicina Argentina award is granted to three outstanding doctors of our country with the purpose of highlighting the consecration of a career, the worthy work of a lifetime with the aim of exhibiting them before future generations so that they have models and examples.

The election of the awarded is made by the members of the editorial committee, after an exhaustive selection and review of the applicant's background.

It has been delivered uninterruptedly since 1977.


The books:

Ediciones Médicas del Sur S.R.L.has an extensive catalog of medical books and topics of medical interest, which are published by us and is constantly updated.

The authors are prestigious professionals of our environment who compose their works and keep updating them regularly.

Our publisher is the heiress of the famous publishing house López Libreros Editores, with which together we have more than one hundred years of experience in the preparation of books and journals.


The printing house:

After more than one hundred years of experience, our printing house offers all our experience in the printing of books and journals of the most varied subjects.

Impressions, edition and binding of books and magazines are made not only of medicine, but at the request of national and foreign authors and publishers.


La Prensa Médica Argentina® and Maestro de la Medicina Argentina®

are registered trademarks by Ediciones Médicas del Sur S.R.L.®.

Its use in any form or for any purpose is prohibited, without the express authorization of the registrants.